2c.  Is God Infinite?


What exactly do we mean when we say that God is infinite?  Do we mean that His form is infinite, ie unbounded?  If so, then He has no form.  Is this what we mean to imply?  I don’t think so.  Instead, I believe we are merely attributing to God characteristics that are beyond our ability to understand.  His intelligence, His awareness, His form, etc. are all in this category.


I say that God has a bounded physical form, but He has additional dimensions beyond the physical length, width, and height.  Whatever His form is, He doesn’t need arms or legs, because there is nothing outside of Himself to pick up and no place to go.  We could never get outside of God to observe His form, because in His dimensional space, there is no “outside” for us to position ourselves in.   Hence, it doesn’t matter what form He has.  Yet, I contend that He must be bounded in some way to have any identity.   Then, beyond that, He is also thinking.  His thoughts are His Holy Spirit and they are unbounded as are our own thoughts.  They are a form of energy and they have always existed, but they have been continually changing.  This is the distinction we are wrestling with when we explain how there are three persons in one thinking God. There are two bounded, lumped Persons: the Thinker and the Image the Thinker has of Himself in His mind.   The third person in any thinker is their thoughts themselves and this person is unbounded energy.   They are all One yet distinct and hence that mystery is resolved, at least in so far as we can observe how it works within ourselves.


Thoughts can be of different dimensions and yet they cross dimensional space. God thinks and we think.  By thinking, any of us can literally talk to our Creator God, Who is dimensionally separated from us.  God’s thoughts are dimensionally of a higher order than ours.  We imagine 2-dimensional objects in our thoughts, but God can imagine us, who are clearly 3D.  Nevertheless, any physically finite thinking being, who can imagine, can have unbounded thoughts. Thoughts do not have physical boundaries.  They exist and they have dimensions, but they are definitely non-physical. More on this in the next chapter.

In summary, God need not be physically Infinite to have the capabilities we must attribute to Him as the eternal First Cause, Who created everything else.




11 September 2002

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