5 g. Channeling is for Contacting Fallen Angels


There are compelling reasons for believing that any “spirit” contacted via channeling is in fact a fallen angel.  The test for identifying these spirits is based on what they teach their victims. What they teach is a mixture of truth and error.  We can summarize their basic theology as compared to the Bible in several key areas:

-         The spirits teach that God is an impersonal force with power but without love.  The Bible teaches that God is personal and loving (Jn 3:16). We attempted to show earlier that a personal God can explain the origin of intelligent thought whereas we are without alternate explanations.

-         The spirits teach that Jesus was a man just like us.  They say he died and then evolved into a higher state of existence as others do.  He is an ascended master and we can aspired to become one as well.  The Bible tells us that Jesus was fully human and fully God (Jn 1: 1).  The concept of God as the Thinker further explains how this seemingly absurd idea is really achievable.  There are indeed three distinct persons in one eternal and immortal God.

-         Spirits teach that there is no devil.  The Bible teaches that Satan and demons are very real (Mat 4: 1-10; 8:16; 17:18)

-         Spirits teach that death is merely a transition into the spirit world without any judgment.  The Bible teaches judgment follows death on the Last Day for the righteous and following the millennium for the unrighteous at the White Throne Judgment (Rev 20, Mat 13:24-43)

-         Spirits teach that man in his true nature is perfect and one essence with God.  The Bible teaches that man is a created being not devine (Ge 1:27).  Man is a thought in the mind of God, but that does not equate to man being God.

-         Spirits teach that sin is merely ignorance of one’s own deity.  The Bible teaches that sin is the transgression of God’s law (1 John 3:4; 5:17).

-         Spirits teach that salvation involves realizing that one is already God and that each man must accomplish this by practicing various occult techniques.  The Bible teaches that salvation has been provided by God’s grace and is received by man through faith in Christ’s death for us (Eph 1:7; 2:8,9).  I further add that salvation is living with the Image of God forever after, but that requires that each man convince himself that he wants to have a relationship with God while living in this human existence.




22 September 2001, Updated 15 December 2001



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