6H) What is the Significance of the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil”?


In the Garden of Eden the Bible tells us there are Two Very Special Trees.  They are: “The Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil” (Gen 2:9, 17) and “The Tree of Life” (Rev 2:7; 22:2, 14, 19).  What might the significance of these symbols be?  Let’s explore this a bit.


The Big Picture we’ve presented requires those who would inherit the Kingdom of Heaven to fully understand what works and what doesn’t, so that they will be able to make “good” decisions.  They have to watch the training video where humans living in the 3D stage are literally playing out the Drama and demonstrating the consequences of choices.  The drama must explore all the ramifications of choices so that there will be no doubt as to the consequences.  If any scenario is left unexplored then the audience will always wonder if it might have worked, ie rectified a situation, which might have looked worse than it was.  So, the angelic audience watches this “Training Video” in real time, while the Resurrected Humans will eventually watch it in replay.  Note again, that until it is over the human actors will die and then must wait until the drama is completed (Rev 6:9-11). Only then, on the Last Day can they be resurrected, changed into angelic beings, be raised to meet the returning Christ in the sky(1 Thes 4: 15-17), and then “live and reign with Christ for 1000 years” (Rev 20:4-6).  This is a period of time, long enough to review the video in its entirety as they judge the world and the angelic beings operating in the background (1Cor 6:2).


The conclusion is that having watched the video, the audience is made aware of what will work and what won’t to the extent that they will know how to choose to avoid doing evil and thus sin will never arise again.  They will then have the required, “Knowledge of Good and Evil”.   This is symbolized by the tree that was in the Garden of Eden, when only God had that knowledge of Good and Evil.  Now, having watched the training video, they like the angelic audience have Free Will, but  they choose to do only what they now know works.  This is prerequisite to living happily ever after.  So, with this critical knowledge, they will have “Life Everlasting”, which is symbolized by eating from the Tree of Life.


8 Dec 2008

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