2. What is Satan’s Mission and his Definition of Success? (TBS)

I believe Satan’s mission has changed over time.


According to the Bible, Lucifer was created by fiat as a “Covering Cherub”.  He was a special angel.

I believe this pertains to His inside job and perhaps his greater awareness than most angelic beings of the relationship angels have to their Creator.

I don’t think we can justify suggestions that Lucifer was created in some way with greater Pride to the point where he was predisposed to sin.  That would mean that the original heaven was created with flaws and not perfect.  I regard perfection as having no sin in it.  It could have been perfect with the opportunity to sin, but sin was not an initial condition.  Instead, as we said earlier, I feel that Lucifer was the “rocket scientist” type, who asks the difficult questions rather than merely go along in the dark avoiding them.   As such I see him as the one, who had to get an answer to the question of his own free will.  How could he be free to choose if he was merely a thought in the mind of God? 

As we suggested earlier, the only way to answer this question is by actually doing some things that you don’t think God would approve of, so you know you are doing them on your own.  Yet, the set of all such things is what we call, “evil”, because they all will lead to a self-destructive character and a world that does not work. 

Your comments are greatly appreciated as we work on this.  RSVP


02 December 2002



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