APPENDIX C2:  What’s in an Email?

We get all kinds of questions, but sometimes the simplest are the hardest to answer.

At 04:34 PM 11/19/02 -0500, you wrote:

Why universe bothers existing at all? 

I want to know how God created the world. 

Bible is religion fiction in my point of views.




Here are my responses:

We both agree that the universe does in fact exist, right?

It is at least as real as you and I.


Logic demands that there must be a First Cause that itself has had no cause, ie the First Cause must be eternal with no beginning and no end.  [It would also have nothing outside Itself.]  Perhaps you can find some other explanation, but so far as I know, no one ever has found a way around this logic.


Let's agree to call this First Cause, "God".


The question now is whether this God is Personal or not.


I suggest that God is personal because a God, who can think at least as well as I can, would be personal by my definition.  I suggest that God can think because then I can understand how thought got into this universe in the first place.  If I am correct, then this God creates simply by thinking and thus everything in this universe is indeed in the mind of God.  I can support this derived conclusion because I am a subset of this universe and I can think. In my own mind I can create another universe as long as it is of a lower order of dimension than I exist in.  I am 3D and I can only visualize my thoughts in 2D. Nevertheless, I can create in my own mind, where I am “all-powerful”, “omni-present”, and “all-knowing”.


It is clear that a God, Who is thinking of me is actually visualizing His thoughts in 3D, so according to my logic, He must have more than 3 dimensions.  This is probable because He certainly is the only thing that is eternal and that unique characteristic is what I mean by a dimension.   [Because He is all alone in His universe, He has another unique dimension – ie no outside.]


See if you can come up with a better explanation while I proceed along this line of reasoning:


Here is God in a universe unto Himself with more than 3D, and in His mind, He is creating our 3D universe.

Why is He doing this?


If God is intelligent as I am suggesting, then His motives must be revealed by Himself.  We can only guest at motives when intelligence is involved.  We would require the Doer Himself to give His own motives for His actions.


Realizing this, we now turn to the Bible as the written word of God for humans to understand His motives and plans.

Could this be true?  All we can do is read it and try to understand it, and then see if what we understand makes sense.

This has traditionally been a big problem, because so many readers of the Bible interpret it so differently.  I was (like many scientists) inclined originally to believe that the Bible must be religious fiction, not to be taken literally.  This then leaves us with nothing but our own guesses.  Hence, so many different and conflicting religions are generated according to the doctrines of men.  Same thing goes for many scientific theories as well – doctrines of men.


All of them cannot be right, but they all can be wrong.  In fact all but one of them must be wrong, and as I said that one itself may also be wrong.  Not much to hang your life on is it?


My approach is to go back to the Bible for answers instead of following any of these doctrines of men.  But I too need an interpretation that makes complete sense in terms of the observable evidence as well as what the Bible texts indicate.  The truth is in the gray areas of our interpretations of both.  I realize that virtually no one to date has had a Big Picture view of everything that makes complete sense without having to admit that there are gaping holes.  None of us 3D creatures could understand a God with 4 or more dimensions completely.  Yet, the Bible tells us that we can know this God well enough to gain something called “Everlasting Life”.  Very Interesting.



Now I direct you to start with the conclusion from my book-online at, ""

for the rest of this story.  Read this and then RSVP




19 Nov 2002



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