D4. The USA in Rev 13 & 17

            No other nation has done so much to spread traditional" Christianity (looks like the Lamb), which incorporates Sunday worship, in direct contradiction to the fourth commandment.   At the same time, no other nation has so corrupted the earth with iniquity (speaks like the Dragon), in everything from the elevation of materialism to the spread of degrading films and the spread of violence on television, radio, and movies throughout the world (Satan is god of the air, ie communications/media).

In the New Testament, fire comes down from heaven on two occasions: at Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4), when the Holy Spirit/Thoughts of God manifested Itself as tongues of fire; and with Elijah and the prophets of Baal on Mt Carmel (1 Kings 18:20-39), when only the real God could bring down fire from heaven to destroy the sacrifice.  In more modern times, "Fire has come down from heaven" in the Fatima incident of the Catholic church.   Fire has come down from heaven temporarily, in the form of the Atom Bomb.  The Atom bomb was made by the beast with the horns of the lamb, and it causes miracles all over the earth.  At the same time, out of her, comes the pentecostal and miracle working "Christians", who are rapidly evangelizing the world.  These all have "fire" from heaven.  Another reference in the Bible to fire descending from heaven is in 2 Thess 1:7-8, “When the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels, in flaming fire”.  Here fire is symbolic of Christ’s Second Coming.  In order for Satan to impersonate Christ’s return he too must somehow bring down fire from heaven.

Facing us today is a wave of spiritual power such as has seldom been seen in the history of man. Marian visions, visions of the dead, those who have "come back to life", those who claim special mystical experiences.  Beyond the plethora of paranormal UFO sightings and crop circles we have elephant statues that recently wept milk all over the world.  Statues of saints have wept blood, and strange signs have been seen by many in many faiths.   The world is drenched in such dogmas and witnesses.  No device has been more effective in bringing together diverse elements of Christendom than a common interest in spiritual manifestations.

At the same time, rising with it, is the tide of rationalistic dogmas. Men believe nothing, and there is nothing sacred, and there is no confirmation of any spiritual truth under the sun.  We call this fundamental attitude, “New Age”, but it is merely another form of the ageless occult identified throughout the Bible.  Though the spheres bear witness of His presence, and though the history of man screams of past ages of Biblical witness, yet it cannot be, and therefore it is ignored or cast in derision.

            What America appears to be, and extol, is what the world has come to accept, and to replicate. Yet, the degree of corruption attended with that is enormous.  How much time is spent in learning the Bible, or the precepts of God's commandments, as opposed to the study of the stars of soap opera on television? The fruit of spiritual progress among men has always come in direct connection with the study of that word.  If that study is abandoned, or "substituted", then woe to the wayward.  In the Time of the End, the USA need not become as blatant as the Nazi regime to fulfill the prophecies of Revelation.  Even with its altruistic intentions, it will make an image to the beast of Rev 13:1-10 and cause the whole world to worship it. The key to dealing with this is found in Matt 24:23-31, with emphasis on the fact that you need to know the real God now, so you will know Him in those incredibly deceptive times.


8 June 2002

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